About Odotobri RB

Odotobri Rural Bank Ltd. was incorporated by shares in March 29, 1982 with registration number 20476 under the Companies Code of 1963(Act 179). The Bank was issued with a license to commence Banking Operations on September 7, 1982 under the Banking Act 1970 (Act 339). The bank started actual operations to the public on September 16, 1983.

The Bank's corporate values are:

  • Responsibility to Clients
  • Responsibility of Employers
  • Responsibility to the Society
  • Responsibility to Shareholders
  • Responsibility to Employees
Our Mission

To provide efficient financial services through customized products, good corporate governance, well motivated human resource, maximization of shareholders’ wealth, consistent application of improved technology and being socially responsible.

Our Vision

To be an Accomplished Giant in Unit Banking.

Loans We Provide

Salary Loan

It is specifically designed for individuals who receive a regular salary or income. The specific terms and conditions of this loan include eligibility criteria, interest rates, and repayment terms.

Susu Loan

The Susu Loans Product is to provide financial assistance to clients to expand their business. The loan product is designed to enable the clients repay such loans on daily or weekly basis.

Ghana Blind Union (GBU) Loan

Odotobri Rural Bank in collaboration with Ghana Blind Union (GBU) offers credit facilities to the blind yet skillful, to expand their micro businesses.

Micro Finance Loan

Loans are granted to men and women groups who own small and micro enterprises or are engaged in productive activity.

Funeral and Social Loan

The Funeral and Social Loans are designed to enable clients access funds to perform the funeral rites of a deceased person and wedding ceremonies.

Transport Loan

Clients in transport business or those who wish to own vehicles for business purposes, are assisted with transport loans by the Bank.